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Dewplayer lecteur mp3 en Flash - Alsacréations

Alsacreations, agence web exotiquemenu

Dewplayer is a small flash mp3 player
that is very easy to use.

Download the player, put it on your website with the right HTML code and let the music play ! We build also customized players for professionnals, with XML playlist or Icecast streaming.

French version


Put the right .SWF player file on your website with your .MP3 files, and use the HTML code (see below or in the .ZIP archive).

Dewplayer is under Creative Commons licence. The usage is totally free even for commercial purposes (but not reselling it).




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The easiest way to put mp3 audio files on your web pages ! This flash animation is very light and easy to use. It downloads and plays the mp3 file when the play button is pressed.

Instructions and HTML sample code

1 Download the all-in-one zip.
2 Upload the .swf player file you want to use on your website.
3 Copy-paste and configure the HTML code with the right MP3 filepath.

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dewplayer.swf" width="200" height="20" id="dewplayer" name="dewplayer">
<param name="movie" value="dewplayer.swf" />
<param name="flashvars" value="mp3=test.mp3" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

xHTML code generator

The easier way is to use the XHTML code generator below. Just copy and paste. The best way is to use swfobject for each Flash embedding.


Others : see .zip file
URL of the MP3 file* (mp3=...)
(absolute or relative path)
Volume  % (volume=...)
Auto start autostart=true
Loop autoreplay=true
Random play randomplay=true
Time display (mm:ss) showtime=true
No cursor nopointer=true

* separate URLs with | (pipe).
Example : /media/sons/test.mp3|/media/sons/test2.mp3


All options can be added to the parameters flashvars="option1=value1&option2=value2" or after the .swf file URL dewplayer.swf?option1=value1&option2=value2.

Default volume volume=100 With value between 0 = silent and 100 = maximal
Auto start autostart=true Plays automatically when the player is loaded
Loop play autoreplay=true Plays the same file at the end of the playing
Random play randomplay=true For the players with multiple loaded MP3s
Timer minutes:seconds showtime=true Display the durations in mm:ss
No cursor nopointer=true Disable the cursor on the seek bar
Playlist xml=playlist.xml Load the XML playlist (XSPF format) for players that can load multiple files
Fading fading=3 No gap (seconds) between one track and the next one, for players that can support fading


My player doesn't display

Check your HTML code, check the path to the .swf file and check that you have uploaded the .swf file on your website.

My player doesn't produce any sound

Check your HTML code, check the path to the .mp3 audio files.

Is my website compatible with the player ?

Yes, all websites HTML-coded can use this player, wether they are using a CMS or not. Here is a Wordpress plug-in made by Roya Khosravi.

Browser compatibility

All browsers that can support Flash can use the player. Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera...

Audio file compatibility

Use 44.1 Khz encoded MP3 files for better playing. The player won't support any other format (WAV, AAC, WMA, etc)

JavaScript controls

You can use custom JavaScript functions to control the player features (dewplay, dewstop, dewset, dewgo, dewsetpos, dewgetpos...). Check the samples inside the dewplayer-swfobject-js.htm downloaded file. The javascript option needs to be enabled in the HTML source code (eg. : javascript=on).

Pro Versions

If you want a pro customized version, feel free to contact us below ! We make playlists-players and shoutcast/icecast streaming players.

Do you need a pro player ?

Délai de réponse non garanti !

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